What is Homeward Bound?
The Homeward Bound Concert was created by concert producer and talent manager Jonathan Shank to raise awareness and much needed funding for the homeless community. The homeless epidemic has been sweeping Los Angeles and the rest of the country as more people struggle to make ends meet. Working together with PATH, the Homeward Bound Concert strives to bring the music industry and artist community together to help get families off the street. This concert aims to be the first large scale annual fundraiser for the homeless community with 100% of proceeds going to charity.
What is PATH?
PATH’s mission is to end homelessness for individuals, families, and communities. PATH envisions a world where every person has a home. Our values include creative collaborations, strategic leadership, empowerment for all, and passionate commitment.
Who is performing at the Homeward Bound Concert?
Jason Mraz
Robby Krieger & John Densmore of The Doors
Fitz and The Tantrums
Ingrid Michaelson & Maddie Poppe
Phillip Phillips
Dave Stewart & Kaya Stewart
Voices Of Our City Choir
How and where can I purchase tickets?
Tickets for the Homeward Bound Concert can be purchased online or in person at The Wiltern box office starting November 5th. 100% of your ticket goes to PATH! Buy tickets here: TICKETS
Do these tickets include parking?
Tickets to the show do not include parking. There are several parking lots in the area. The most convenient lot is the Ralph's parking structure located south and east of the theatre on Oxford Street. Enter through the northern entrance only. Do not use the Ralphs entrance.
Can I donate without purchasing a ticket?
Yes! Donate to PATH here: DONATE
How do I get a pre-sale code to purchase tickets?
Use the code HOMEWARD to access exclusive tickets to the show!
Will there be merchandise at the show?
Yes! All proceeds from merchandise sales will benefit PATH.
What time should I arrive?
Doors open at 7:00 PM.
What comes with the VIP Experience?
Check out our VIP offers here: VIP OFFERS
Can I bring a camera?
No professional cameras or flash photography allowed.

Get up to $10 cash back on your Uber or Lyft ride to Homeward Bound courtesy of Freebird!
Just download the Freebird app for free and enter the promo code, HBCONCERT. When ready, tap your voucher, order your Uber of Lyft ride through Freebird to the event and get up to $10 cash back!
AND to make your ride a little sweeter, for every new Freebird user that takes their first ride using the code, HBCONCERT, $10 will be donated to PATH (People Assisting the Homeless).
Freebird: Turn rides into rewards

Homeward Bound
The Homeward Bound Concert was created by concert producer and talent manager Jonathan Shank to raise awareness and much needed funding for the homeless community. The homeless epidemic has been sweeping Los Angeles and the rest of the country as more people struggle to make ends meet. Working together with PATH, the Homeward Bound Concert strives to bring the music industry and artist community together to help get families off the street. This concert aims to be the first large scale annual fundraiser for the homeless community with 100% of proceeds going to charity.

About Path
It all started with a letter written by Claire and Rev. Charles Orr, calling for the community to address the ever-increasing issue of homelessness. In response, on the night of December 8, 1983, 60 people gathered together to figure out how to help people who were experiencing homelessness in their neighborhoods. On that night, PATH was born.
The group started by distributing food and clothing to people living on the streets. As homelessness continued to grow nationwide, research revealed that Housing First—a best practice model that first connects people to permanent housing and then focuses on stabilization through voluntary supportive services, proved more effective. Now, over thirty years later, we have more than 25 locations throughout California, provide services in more than 140 cities, and more than 1,000 units of permanent supportive housing completed or in the pipeline.
Across the state, we help people find permanent housing and provide case management, medical and mental healthcare, benefits advocacy, employment training, and other services to help them maintain their homes stably. Since 2013, we have connected more than 7,500 people to permanent homes.